Q. What kind of church is First Baptist Church?

A. We are a family-oriented, Bible-believing Southern Baptist church. We value relationships: with the Lord Jesus Christ, with one another, and with you. We are enthusiastic about learning, applying, and sharing God’s Word with you and the world around us.

Q. What do you believe?

A. We believe that all have sinned and need a Savior, that Jesus Christ is that Savior, that God has “set eternity” in people’s hearts, that people are seeking God, and that the Bible has all the answers. Please click on “Doctrinal Statement” under the “About Us” tab at the top of our Home Page for a fuller description of what we believe.

Q. What does a typical Sunday morning look like?

A. Enthusiasm for Jesus Christ, one another, and our visitors. At 11 AM, we all meet in the worship center.  After a few songs, the children are dismissed to continue to worship in children’s church.  Our worship service usually concludes a little after Noon.

Q. What does the Sunday Worship Service look like?

A. We enjoy singing a blended service of hymns, worship, Psalms, Southern Gospel, and contemporary gospel. Pastor Marc preaches directly from the Word of God featuring a verse-by-verse exposition of Scripture and a challenge to obey what we have learned while sharing Jesus Christ with people outside the church. Casual to business-casual dress; come as you are!

Q. Who goes to FBC?

A. People like you!  Some are Christians who are members. Some are Christians looking for a church home in which to serve. Some are seekers looking for “something” that is missing from their lives; they find out that that “Something” is the Lord Jesus Christ!  But even more important than the kind of people who attend here is the kind of people who are welcome here—everyone is welcome.  You are welcome!

Q. What is available for infants and toddlers?

A.  We have an excellent nursing room in a nicely outfitted nursery, for your convenience as needed.  The nursery is located on the far west side of the educational building adjacent to our children’s church classroom.

Q. What is available for children?

A. Children’s Church: Themed Bible curriculum with singing and review games—all things that keep children engaged with biblical themes.  We endeavor to teach your children how to trust in Jesus and follow Him.

Click on “Children’s Ministry” under the “About Us” tab at the top of our Home page.  They meet on the west end of the education building.

Q. What is available for adults?

A. “What Is God Like?: An In-depth Study of God’s Attributes (Characteristics)” straight from the Bible.  The class is currently in transition to a new day and time.

Personal Discipleship: Pastor Marc teaches personal and family classes by appointment, as needed. Call Pastor Marc for more information.

Q. Who can I get in touch with for more information?

A. You can call the church at (559) 673-0908, or email us at or Pastor Marc Unger at